The seer sat at the postern gate and
exchanged words with the pharisee thus:
Our city is strong! We are
surrounded by
the walls of salvation!
Strive to enter this narrow
door for
many who seek to will fail
The gates shall open to
the righteous
and the faithful shall go in.
Seek not the wide gate as
this door
admits all who need enter
The king keeps in perfect
peace all
Who trust in his name.
The king knows well that
your thoughts
bend toward yourself
The king brings down
the arrogant
and crushes them to dust.
The poor and the oppressed
will step
over you as they pass in
But for those who are
righteous the
way is not so rough.
Yes, the Lord has made the
way smooth
over your prostrate form
I show my trust in the
king by
obeying his commands.
And yet your heart
desires to
glorify its own name
All night long I search
out the
meaning of his laws.
And in the morning you
rise and
seek a chamber pot
Kindness shown to sinners
helps not
to change their ways.
Those keeping score fail
to observe
the majesty of the king
Those who offend need
to observe
the raised fist of the king.
The king has no need of
your hand
raised in his name