The time just seemed to be right.
The pull-rope brought the ladder down
And I ascended through the trap door.
That was some time ago now.
They say you can’t take it with you,
But so much winds up in the attic!
Here’s the point: I have something to tell you.
I found a little trunk of your things.
It was in a corner under boxes of baggage
And I recognized it as if it were my own.
The lock even unclasped as I touched it.
And yes, I already knew what was inside:
The notecard from the day you “adopted” me
Photos of Whack-a-Troll on your birthday
The post you mailed “Auntie” from Elgin
A copy of your Christmas instrumentals
The poem you wrote about a butterfly
Pages from a draft of your book about Narnia
You pumpkin-roll recipe, with smudges I can taste!
You may not know it, but these are your legacy.
I’m writing this note to thank you
For thinking so much of me over the years,
For the foresight to put these here for me.
You can’t imagine how much that means!
I don’t get downstairs any more
So I’m leaving this note for you
In a box in your corner of the attic.
I’ll show you where when you pull down the ladder.
Thank you, Love, for understanding me, and for showing me the value of leaving my legacy in the “attic”, and not so much in the “living room”. I can’t wait to see what messages await me in the attic.