Words are not
The only things
To fail at times
Such as these
What would you say
If a stranger came to your door
Saying, I see your servant carries water
Our master sends you word
Show us the room you have prepared
That we may break bread inside
Do you want to be known so deeply
Are your thoughts so pure your mind would bid
Welcome, make yourself at home
What would you say
When told that Satan sifts your soul
When told that you will turn away
Three times ’fore break of day
When your two-faced heart
Dips bread with one Lord and Master
Would you say never
I would sooner die
Would you lie
Through your gnashing teeth
What can you say
When you’ve run away
When you’ve mastered
Your abandon in the garden
When you recall the words
I shall see you again
How can you face that thought
Does courage or gorge rise anew
Yes, you see him again
Even look into his eyes
And still you turn away
And turn away
Turn, turn away
Betrayal punctuates the night
What do you say
When courage fails
When your brags of allegiance
Hang limp and empty
Lesser love has no man than this
Were you there
When they crucified my Lord
I wouldn’t know
But the Paraclete is with me
Whispering in my ear
This heinous crime is yours
Own it
You are not a fisher of men
You are not even a poor shepherd
You are nothing
You are lost
I want to vanish
Yet the question which marks
My soul remains
How do you let go
Oh, how do I let it go