You can drown
In a cup
Of water
I have
Heard it said
I reflect
On this truth
As the bucket
Weighs my arm
Before I bail
The sea
Now calm
Casts an eerie
Pall, the shadow
Of the master
Falling upon me
As I crouch
In the bow
I trust
In the Lord
For protection
So why
Do I wish
To fly
To the shore
Because God sends
The rain
And the wind
And the waves
Of the storm
On the wicked
And the righteous
Alike as I
Have heard
The Master say
And I know
Not which
I am
So where
Is my faith
In the back
Of the boat
Lying down
Asleep and
Peter “in the moment” following the stilling of the waters. See Luke 8 and Psalm 11… and think a bit about the connection / paradox of Psalm 11 and Matthew 5.