You came to my door at midnight
asking for snakes
I’m sorry, but I have no snakes for you
I am not sleeping
But no, I have no snakes for you
You came to my door at one
asking for scorpions
I’m sorry, but I have no scorpions for you
I am still not sleeping
But no, there are no scorpions to be had
You came to my door at two
asking for stones
I’m sorry, but I have no stones for you
I am awake as awake can be
But don’t you want something better than stones?
You came to my door at three
asking for fish
I’m sorry, but I don’t have fish for you
I do not drowse at that hour
But you’ll just have to wait if you want fish
You came to my door at four
asking for an egg
That might lead to something
as I fire my ovens
But don’t scorpions hatch from eggs?
You came to my door at five
asking for bread
Ah! Now there is something I am about
and I will be baking soon
But no bread, no—not yet
You came to my door at six
again asking for bread
I admire your persistence, but no—
my hands are in the dough
Are you only concerned about yourself?
You came to my door throughout the day
seeking bread for your guests
When the baking was done I gave you a basket
and I was happy to do so
But when will it dawn on you to ask for more?
You don’t darken my door at any hour
asking for the gift of my spirit
which is all I have ever wanted for you—
not eggs or fish or snakes or scorpions
But to everyone who asks, I give—without delay
Then when you come to my door at midnight
and ask for bread
I will say, Yes—Come in and join me
You see, the door has always been opened
and you and I shall share a loaf, and the cup
See Psalm 18 and Luke 10. Peter begins to get insight into Kingdom priorities, and what God wants instead of what Man wants. We are so easily satisfied, and so easily dissatisfied.