Jesus didn’t show, did he?
Is it that he thinks he has
better things to do—or a
rendezvous with a demon?
Oh, but then he arrives this
morning, adds the misery
of chastisement that endures.
He’ll keep it up—forever!
I know one thing—it is this:
he surely has a demon.
The Law of Moses endures;
it brings joy, not misery!
This is heart-truth, not what he
claims—mere appearance that has
fooled us all. We will find a
silence for him. Forever.
We cannot follow where he
goes? Well, who among us has
that desire? We want just this:
an end to his misery!
As well that he go to a
Greek as go to a demon.
This is a truth that endures:
division is forever.
Peter writes from the crowd’s POV after the controversies in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles.