God Did Not Smile

God did not smile upon the former president
when he narrowly avoided a fragmented skull.
God did not smile when a second errant shot
instantly killed an onlooker in the stands.
God did not smile at the critical wounds
inflicted on two other random bystanders.
God did not smile as the armor-clad sniper
put his crosshairs on the assassin’s head.
God did not smile as Thomas Matthew Crooks
took one shot, or more, to the cranium.

God has not smiled as pundits left and right
elbow into blame and speculative judgement.
God has not smiled at transgressive hearts
either elated or disappointed in the wake.

God would wipe the smiles off all our faces,
would have us mourn that we have come to this,
would have us wail in sackcloth and ashes,
would have us fast and kneel in earnest prayer
and cast off our idolatry of party and power,
sublimate our own will for his kingdom to come,
on Earth, now, not after some plebiscite,
some electoral tabulation or inauguration—
to remember all that we have been forgiven
and recall that we must likewise also forgive.

But we have capitulated to temporal temptations
and have been captivated by lack of civility.
We have only ourselves to blame for our miscreants,
and God does not smile on this un-Christian nation.

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