This, Lord, is my shepherd?
What does he want?
He bade me recline
With tax collectors.
He led me into a night
Of loud drinking.
He confuseth my soul.
He crosseth my path
With that of the unrighteous.
For heaven’s sake!
I have walked through the valley
Of the shadow of sin,
And I, too, am evil:
I fear being with him.
His rod and his staff–
They threaten me.
He prepareth a table for me
In the company of the unclean;
He anointeth my head
With burning embers;
My mortification overfloweth.
Surely traitors and harlots
Will follow him
All the days of his life,
And I shall remain
Unworthy and soiled
Peter reacts to the party at Matthew’s house after Jesus calls the tax collector to follow him.